森山直太朗がNHK Eテレで放送中の番組「みいつけた!」の新エンディングテーマとして新曲「みんなおんなじ」を書き下ろした。
A new song wrote a new “all are the same” as a new ending theme of the program “august virtue of His Majesty the Emperor figure!” that Tadashi Moriyama Tarou was broadcasting in NHK E tele.
An education program for 4-5 years old that broadcast started as for “the august virtue of His Majesty the Emperor figure!” in 2009. “All are the same” is the number that Okachimachi kite dealt with songwriting with Tadashi Moriyama Tarou, and コッシー and the leg of the character appearing in the program participate in a chorus. In addition, as for the voice of コッシー, Tomoe Shinohara acts as Shigeo Takahashi (savanna), the voice of the leg. Because “all are the same” is broadcasted from a broadcast time of Monday, November 14, the fan will look forward to.
1. みんなおんなじ
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