[Album] Hebi Katana – Live in Genova [FLAC / WEB] [2024.08.15]

Live in Genova Liner Notes
-English Bellow-

Hebi Katanaは2024年の7月に北イタリアと南フランスにてツアーを敢行した。フランスのフレジュス、イタリアのフィナーレ・リーグレ、トリノ、ピサ、インぺリア、そしてジェノヴァでの計6公演を敢行した。本ライブ・レコーディングはツアー最終公演のジェノヴァVilla Rossiでの演奏を無修正で記録したものである。


前日7/7にインぺリアのZà Records & Coffeeでの演奏を終えたHebi Katanaチームは宿泊先のOstello Bello Finale Ligureへ戻り就寝。朝8時頃に起床してホテルで朝食を済ませる。フィナーレ・リーグレからジェノヴァまでは車で約2時間。移動の時間までそこそこ時間があったので、起きたメンバーは自由時間。寝たいメンバーはゆっくり過ごすという流れ。ホテルも町は非常にゆったりとした場所で、ホテル内のテーブルやハンモックなどで時間をつぶす。徒歩圏内に格安のスーパーがあり、事前に買っておいた生ハムやスモークサーモン、ワイン・ビール(どれも地元価格でリーズナブル。)などをランチ代わりとした。なおこのホテルはキッチンがあり調理も可能であった。

今回のツアーは現地のバンド、Godzilla was too drunk to destroy Tokyoのサポートのもと機材の手配、移動やツアーのオーガナイズが行われた。ライブ会場までも車で送ってくださり、その他もろもろ改めて感謝。

なお欧州では演者に本番前に食事が出るのが一般的なようで、この日はキッシュとバジルベースのパスタがふるまわれた。感謝。なんやかんやと物販の準備やこの日ドイツのレーベルからイタリアに届いたIIIのレコードの検品、関係者などに挨拶しているうちにあっという間に本番の時間に。1stと2ndアルバムの海外リリースを担当してくれたジェノヴァのArgonauta RecordsのオーナーGero氏は娘さんを連れて会場に来てくれた。お会いできて良かった。

2バンド目はツアーを共にしたGodzilla was too drunk to destroy Tokyo。何度も各地を回り演奏を見ていると曲も覚えるし、他の日程では気が付かなかった曲のフックなども発見できて楽しい。この日も気合の入ったMonster Fuzzをかまして大いに会場を沸かせていた。
3バンド目、ラストは我々Hebi Katana。本番前に会場内外をビール片手に散策ついでにフラフラしていると、パッチGジャンを着た現地のメタラーからTシャツをいただく。なんとそれは1987年にイタリアのジェノヴァで結成された6ピースのドゥーム・メタル・バンド、EXPIATORIAのヴォーカルAngelex氏であった。早速近くの茂みでいただいたTシャツに着替えセッティング準備。

ついに本番が始まる。今回使用機材はGodzilla was too drunk to destroy Tokyoのものを全公演でレンタル。ギターはグレッジギターにレスポール系のハムバッカーを取り付けした1本。1曲目はレイヴンがメインボーカルをとる新曲「Raven’s Roar」。途中ギターの機材トラブルに見舞われるも、Alessandroの好サポートにより大事には至らずライブは続行。「Struggle with a Lie」「Pain Should I Take」と日本でもやりなれた曲で場とお客さんの雰囲気をつかみつつ、「Unforgiven Blood」ではジャムパート、合間にGoblinのドラムソロなどで観客との距離を縮めつつショーのテンポをつかむ。

いつの間にかあたりは暗くなり月も出てきている。月に照らし出されたvilla rossiは独自のムードを演出。このツアー前後で初披露の新曲「Gimme Some Lovin’」なども温かく迎えていただき良いインスピレーションをいただいた。終盤は「Hallelujah Anyway」、Kyussのカヴァー「Green Machine」そして「Devastator」でフィニッシュ。


Hebi Katana toured Northern Italy and Southern France in July 2024. The band played six shows in Fréjus, France; Finale Regale, Italy; Turin, Italy; Pisa, Italy; Imperia, Italy; and Genova, Italy. This live recording is an uncensored version of the final show of the tour at Villa Rossi in Genova.

I will look back on this day in the form of a diary.

After the performance at Zà Records & Coffee in Imperia on 7/7, the Hebi Katana team returned to Ostello Bello in Finale Ligure, where we were staying, and went to bed. We woke up around 8:00 am and had breakfast at the hotel. The drive from Finale Ligure to Genova takes about two hours. Those who woke up had some free time, and those who wanted to sleep spent the first part of the day relaxing.

The hotel and the town were very relaxing, and we passed the time at cafe tables and hammocks in the hotel. There was a cheap supermarket within walking distance, where we bought ham, smoked salmon, wine, and beer (all at reasonable local prices) in advance, as a substitute for lunch. The hotel had a kitchen where we could cook.
The members of the group were now awake, and while we were chatting and preparing for the tour, it was time to get a move on.

This tour was supported by a local band, Godzilla was Too Drunk to Destroy Tokyo, who arranged the equipment, transportation, and tour organization. They drove us to the venue of the concert, and we thank them again for everything.
The event was to take place on a stage in the Villa Rossi Park. After arriving at the venue, we brought our equipment to the stage and immediately did a sound check.

In July in northern Italy, it is light until around 9 pm. The live show usually starts at around 8:00 p.m., which is later than in Japan.
As the sun began to set, the audience started to arrive one after another. My impression was that the audience was made up of 50% Metal heads, 30% punks, and the rest were various other locals.

It seems to be a common practice in Europe for performers to be served a meal before the show, and on this day, quiche and basil-based pasta were served. Thank you very much. After preparing the merch, inspecting the III records that arrived in Italy from the German label that day, and greeting everyone involved, it was time for the show to begin. Mr. Gero came to the venue with his daughter. It was nice to meet him.

The first band, Merak, was a veteran local progressive rock band that included a flute player and gave us a firsthand experience of authentic Italian progressive rock.
The second band was Godzilla was too Drunk to Destroy Tokyo, a band with whom we have performed with many times, and I enjoyed learning their songs and discovering hooks in songs that I did not notice on the other dates. They played a very spirited “Monster Fuzz” that had the audience in a frenzy.
The third and last band was us, Hebi Katana.

As I was strolling around the venue with a beer in my hand before the show, a local Metal guy wearing a patch G-jacket gave me a T-shirt. It turned out to be Angelex, vocalist of EXPIATORIA, a six-piece doom metal band formed in Genova, Italy in 1987. I quickly changed into the T-shirt I had received in the bushes nearby and prepared for the set-up.

Finally, the show was about to begin. The equipment used for this show was rented from Godzilla was too Drunk to Destroy Tokyo for the entire show. The first song was “Laven’s Roar,” a new song in which Laven sang the main vocal. During the song, I used had some equipment trouble with the guitar I played with, but with Alessandro’s support, I was able to continue the live performance. The band continued with “Struggle with a Lie” and “Pain Should I Take,” songs that the audience was used to us playing in Japan, to get the audience in the mood, then “Unforgiven Blood,” a jam part with a drum solo by Goblin in between, to close the distance between the audience and the show. The show really got started with the “Unforgiven Blood” jam part.

Before I knew it, it was getting dark and the moon was coming out. the old building was looking awesome with moonlight. The audience warmly welcomed the new song “Gimme Some Lovin’,” which was performed for the first time during this tour, and was a great inspiration for the band. The final songs were “Hallelujah Anyway,” a cover of Kyuss’ “Green Machine,” and “Devastator.

It was a special night for me as I felt connected to the city of Genova.
The group returned to the hotel late at night and headed home after a last relaxing day off.



1. Laven’s Roar
2. Struggle with a Lie
3. Goblin’s Drum Solo
4. Pain Should I Take
5. Unforgiven Blood
6. Depressed Blues
7. Jam
8. Gimme Some Lovin’
9. Darkest Priest
10. The Debtor
11. Hallelujah Anyway
12. Green Machine (Kyuss Cover)
13. Devastator

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