01. Return of the Goddess of Time (1:39) [時の女神の帰還]
02. Izana (2:05) [巳の国 イザナ]
03. Flower in a Transient World, Windblown Flower in a Dream (3:11) [うつし世に花 夢に風花]
04. Dancing Sword of the Storm (2:50) [剣風雷花]
05. Temple Ruins (3:07) [荒れ寺]
06. Sanctuary for Moryo (2:59) [魍魎楽土]
07. Kurosagi Castle at Night (2:32) [夜のクロサギ城]
08. Spirit Crystals (3:37) [妖魔幻晶]
09. Nagsham (3:23) [辰の国 ナグシャム]
10. Dreams of Spiraling Flames (2:43) [螺旋の焔が抱く夢は]
11. Specter Palace (3:04) [妖魔殿]
12. Pouring Sweetness into Darkness (2:52) [滴る甘き闇に]
13. Ikarga (1:55) [いかるがの里]
14. Mahora Lake (2:35) [まほら湖]
15. Chapel of the Goddess of Time (2:34) [時の女神の教会]
16. Jiraiya Fortress (3:13) [移動要塞 ジライヤ]
17. Suzaku -Dance of the Wailing Ghosts- (3:08) [朱雀〜鬼哭舞闘〜]
18. Vega Forest (2:30) [ベガの森]
19. Dogma Tower (2:50) [ドグマの塔]
20. Lord of Mana (2:20)
21. Hustle and Bustle of the City (3:06) [都の喧騒]
22. Settlers from All Four Corners (4:48) [四界の開拓者]
23. Bump! (2:32) [BUMP!]
24. Cage of Blue Roses (2:54) [青薔薇の檻]
25. Ballad of the Wicked Mother (3:11) [邪悪なる聖母の唄]
26. Tsubura’s Tears (2:14) [つぶらノ涙]
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