元EXILEのボーカルでシンガーソングライターの清木場俊介(36歳)の新曲「友へ」が12月17日、配信を開始した。恒例となったクリスマスコンサートもスタートし、アンコールではAK-69がサプライズゲストとして登場。終演後には「友へ」のミュージックビデオもEXILE ATSUSHIからのメッセージと共にステージ上で初公開された。
事の発端は、「EXILE ATSUSHI LIVE TOUR 2016″IT’S SHOW TIME!!”」東京ドーム公演へのゲスト出演依頼だった。EXILEを脱退した際、当時のファンの人たちに「グループを辞めます」としっかり報告しないまま去ってしまい、常にモヤモヤした気持ちが心に引っかかっていた清木場。その事を解っていたかのように、声をかけたATSUSHI。たとえ共演が実現しなかったとしても、その夜の事を何かの形で残しておきたいと思った清木場は、ATSUSHIへの感謝も込め、二人で手と手を握る写真を自らがスマホで撮った。
“To a new song friend” of Seiki ground Shunsuke (36 years old) of the singer-songwriter started delivery in vocals of former EXILE on December 17. The Christmas concert that became annual starts, and AK-69 comes up as a surprise guest by the encore. The music video to “a friend” was exhibited to the public first with a message from EXILE ATSUSHI on a stage after the curtain, too.
The beginning of the thing “was the guest-shot request to EXILE ATSUSHI LIVE TOUR 2016 “IT’S SHOW TIME!!” Tokyo Dome performance. The feeling that I leave when I withdrew from EXILE without reporting people of the fan at the time, “I leave the group” well and always felt fuzzy in is caught Seiki ground in a heart. ATSUSHI where I called out to as if I understood the thing. Even if costarring was not realized, the thanks to ATSUSHI loaded it with the Seiki ground who wanted to leave the night in some kind of form, and oneself took the photograph which grasped a hand and a hand with two with a smartphone.
Fatal one piece that it was possible for as soon as I decided it so that the Seiki ground who was not able to write the music that I could understand for months wrote the recording arrowhead which I brought back to square one once which approached two days later, a feeling to ATSUSHI to “the friend” till then. Two people who came across you accidentally, and spent time together. Whenever the dream that I repeated every day that I cry and laughed at, a pain, the season when I carried it on my back each other rotate, I revive. The naked song to think, and not to be able to write it in the tall tale to the friend who took time more than ten years, and at last was able to write it. The real thought that came out of the bond of a person and the person spins a bond of person and somebody listening. I was finished in a song with the universality simply because it was a personal feeling.
A photograph when I shook a handshake with two which became the kind is used in this delivery jacket.
1. 友へ
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