『キミへ』は、耳に残るキャッチーなメロディーが印象的で、明るく前向きな歌詞が日々がんばる女の子たちの背中を押してくれる応援ソング。『移り心』は、”ここに焼き付けた記憶をすぐに忘れてしまう 大切なあなた以外を愛してしまったから”最愛の人との思い出は薄れるはずがないと思っていた。でも、「あなた」以外を愛してしまい、自分と葛藤しつつもあっけなく移ってしまった心を歌った一曲。
To “you” Oh, the support song that pushes the back of the girls whom the lyrics that the melody that is catchy left in the ear is impressive, and are forward brightly try hard every day. I thought that the memory with the person of “beloved could not fade because I had loved “the caprice” anyone other than you who were important who forgot the memory that I deeply impressed on” here immediately. But one piece that loved it anyone other than “you”, and sang for oneself and the heart that was disappointing, and had moved while conflicting it.
1. キミへ
2. 移り心
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